This past Sunday officially marked the first day of the British summer. Sun shining, birds chirping, kids running about literary everywhere, London could’ve been easily mistaken as the peaceful family town that so isn’t.

All your weird and never before seen together neighbours out in the park; all smiley and friendly, slightly worried though as soon as you’d gotten closer to their precious they weren’t totally at ease with you handling this “hi-tech” and very sensitive flying apparel with a rollie dangling from your lower lip; or maybe those mat black sunglasses you were wearing to hide the visible traces of the last 24 and something hours of sleep deprivation must’ve done the trick.
If that’s the case, than you probably have a good idea what Jaded is and what it does to you on a Sunday morning, right when you should probably still be asleep...if you were to be your neighbours. But you’re not and that means you know that Jaded is, without a doubt, THE London afterparty on a Sunday morning.

Now let’s see how we’ve reached this conclusion here...
Two weeks ago Codekontrol had the massive honour of bringing over on the London shores Shlomi Aber For those of you who haven’t yet danced their worries away to any of Shlomi’s massive tracks released on Ovum, Cocoon or his own imprint Be As One, this guy is Israel’s version of the “techno prodigy” concept.

A very talented Dj and producing his trademark seductive tech sound, Shlomi Aber has got the dance world buzzing about his tracks and live performances; be it Sven Vath, Carl Craig, Pete Tong or Francois K. Charisma, energy and soul are what Shlomi Aber’s music brings to the table.
But let’s get back to our little story. As the day started with a veritable good feel, we had all hoped for the night to turn out into the mega way it deserved to. Unfortunately the Gods didn’t smile on us this time... many unexpected things happened at the last minute, like a certain Chilean God arriving in London on the same night (much respect!) and a few other massive techno asteroids blowing up very close to where we had set up our little camp. But what can you do; as a promoter, things like this will happen, many times beyond anyone’s control. We learn from mistakes and never repeat them again, move on and work on. But also unexpectedly good things can happen...very good things!
In the early hours of Sunday morning of the same weekend, the lovely peeps at Jaded were just about to open their gates to welcome the growing funky mob of ravers growing outside at Cable, just around the corner from our tent. Stopping by to say hello, Krista and Raymundo, the head honchos at Jaded, made an offer we just couldn’t refuse: us all from Jack’s over to Cable for the afterparty. Must say Shlomi did take the lead and skilfully lead us all into temptation.
What followed was a 7 hours feast of house beats and loooooooads of drinks ....and an unexpected Shlomi Aber 3 hour impromptu Jaded set!!! The crowd at Jaded went simply MAD for it!
It was so good to see a club packed with lovely people smiling, embracing each other, together tasting every beat coming through the speakers. Bliss!
If you haven’t done it already make sure you get Jaded as soon as possible as they are truly the place you want to be on a Sunday morning. That or the bed, if you were to be your neighbours...:)
The next one is... you’ve guessed it, this coming Sunday and it probably will be a very good one. On the line-up:
Room One: Jonas Kopp / Gareth Wild / Raymundo Rodriguez / VJs Oblivious Artefacts
Room Two: ViVa Music presents Harlem Nights Afterparty Bearweasel / Nyra / John Barber
Check it out here: