Codekontrol World Blog Headline Animator

About Me

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London, London, United Kingdom
Codekontrol World blog is...with every post we'll try and give you a few uncensored and open hearted lines about what's going on in the Codekontrol Universe: first and foremost as a collective of real people; some of us artists, some promoters or some just clubbers all united by a common lust for good electronic music and clubbing. We're learning how to write this journal as we go along so please try to be patient and critical with us at the same time. We want to put everything on the table, and try to keep it real! No bull and no sales pitch. Just real one-to-one conversation. So help us God!(the electronic version :) At the fist slight feel of bull, please be ruthless and open fire! It's all good and very welcome. It will also make you feel better.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Techalot #3 - for the short attention spanned:

Introducing The Slim Phatty:

Moog’s new toy gives you a joyful bucket load of crazy fun and messed up noises. Descended from the iconic Minimoog Model D it's a monophonic, monotimbral, monaural subtractive synthesizer with analog circuitry throughout (So they say).

Native Instruments West Africa:

I just love Native Instrument sound banks so anything new from them is good with me. Drums please...

Fruity Loops Studio Mobile:

The first DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) I ever used is now available for Mobiles and Tablets. Not a fan of the idea of producing on a mobile but the nostalgia of Fruity Loops is too much to resist.

SoftStep KeyWorx controls:

The idea of the is awesome giving you extra controls when you run out of hands but the actual product looks a bit too Fisher Price in my eyes. Personally I would prefer to get rid of the arrow keys and have a whole block of kick pedals that I could assign.

Finally a couple of good reads for anyone wanting better sound from their tracks and studios:
Monitors and Studio Acoustics
Make your Tracks Bigger

That's it...Enjoy

Mark (",)