Codekontrol World Blog Headline Animator

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London, London, United Kingdom
Codekontrol World blog is...with every post we'll try and give you a few uncensored and open hearted lines about what's going on in the Codekontrol Universe: first and foremost as a collective of real people; some of us artists, some promoters or some just clubbers all united by a common lust for good electronic music and clubbing. We're learning how to write this journal as we go along so please try to be patient and critical with us at the same time. We want to put everything on the table, and try to keep it real! No bull and no sales pitch. Just real one-to-one conversation. So help us God!(the electronic version :) At the fist slight feel of bull, please be ruthless and open fire! It's all good and very welcome. It will also make you feel better.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Full June musical blossom at Codekontrol HQs

Can you believe we're already halfway through July?!? Man, these summer days do fly by quite super fast huh? Well, hopefully we'll get some more of those scorching 30+ days until we have to wave goodbye to this year's summertime...

The month just passed meant for us here at Codekontrol HQ that we'd finally got around to finishing up and releasing some long awaited tracks. We hung up the party suits for a few days in favor of our shiny record producer hats. there aren't any real hats. But yes, the tall one does look like our Duncan

We've had these tracks for a little while, all ready and willing to go to mastering and then on Beatport, all that was needed were the time and the financials to do it. So after a good start to the summer with the first Technicolour: Cinematographic House Music we felt like we had just the right ingredients do get these beats out.

First we had Tony Bar with his Reve du Cuir EP, an EP which for us simply defines summer 2011. You dig?
PKEP06_Tonybar__Reve de cuir by picknik
Tony's "Reve du Cuir" is OUT NOW on Picknik Records. Exclusively on Beatport

Very soon after we had to find the right visual expression for Booz's techno filled grooves "Lazy Days". What'you think?
Boozandthesheep - Lazy Days EP by Minimal Force Records
Out now on Minimal Force. Exclusively through Beatport
Lazy enough? :)

In quite a successive manner Renato Pezzella's "Home Studio" EP
Home studio ep by renatopezzella
and Mario Reder's "Canvas" finished up nicely what was for Codekontrol a month of full blossom musical creation.
Mario Reder - Canvas EP by Solid Tracks Records
Mario's Canvas EP is out now on Solid Tracks. Exclusively through Beatport

We're really loving the results, each is a different and individual expression of sound. Check them out on Soundcloud and get them through Beatport if you dig.
Find out more about these releases and future ones by keeping touch here for the following interviews with each of the artists.

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